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  /    /  Scents and Fragrances, Fathers day, Gifts  /  WXY Umbra 509 Candle

WXY Umbra 509 Candle


WXY Umbra 509 Candle

509 is black treacle: orange, jasmine pine, clove, thyme, tonka, white woods. Cleaner, better and fairer fragrance for your home. 100% plant-based wax candles, paraben free fragrance oils. High quality scents, realistically priced and made in the UK. Must be WXY. 3% of WXY. Profits go to Charity.

Out of Stock


350g (12.5oz) candle

wood wick, thick heavy black glass contained in a wxy. printed cotton bag.

paraben free fragrance.

hand poured in the uk.

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